Teachers receive grants
Dover Area High School teacher Britney Marsh receives a $250.00 grant to help her students learn more about genetic engineering and tissue cultures.
November 5, 2022

On Oct. 31, four district teachers were presented with the Dover Eagle Foundation Teacher Grant. Career and Technical Education (CTE) teacher Peter Bowen received the $1,000 for Design/Fabrication and Maintenance. CTE teacher Britney Marsh received $250 for her project, “Learning about Genetic Engineering through Tissue Cultures.” North Salem Elementary School teacher Corrie Hullihan earned the $374.10 grant for Implementing STEM into the Classrooms. Dover Elementary School teacher Stacey Shaffer received $875.90 for Literacy Toolkits.
Bowen involved students in the process to earn the money. He said, “They described how the cart will be used in Agricultural and Engineering classes to accomplish work, as well as how the cart could be used as a learning tool in other classes.” They had to fill out an online application and then wait for the response.
Marsh already bought classroom materials with the grant money. “I purchased a plant tissue propagation lab kit.”
Bowen said that the grant validates all the work his students have put into the machine. “The award of the grant has validated that hard work and planning that students have been doing for the past couple of years on this project.” This machine has been in the works for a couple of years, and the grant is a little boost that can get it closer to being completed.
Marsh thought the process was easy to receive the grant. “I had to discuss what I was doing with money, student objectives, and where it will fit into my curriculum.”
Grants are offered twice a year, and any teacher can apply.