Dover’s Closet reopens

Claire Matz, Assistant Editor

Dover’s closest reopened, giving students an opportunity to thrift during the school day. The Closet also gives students the opportunity to learn life skills and gives back to the community of students in the high school. 

Teacher Britney Marsh founded Dover’s Closet and said the idea came to her when she was moving and getting rid of clothes. “I didn’t want to drop it off at a clothing dropbox when I knew there where students at Dover that were in need of it,” said Marsh. “My goal was to give students in our school a safe place to get clothing without being made fun of or looked down upon.” 

Since this is the second year of Dover’s Closet, Marsh has had the opportunity to make some improvements to the store. “This year we have four managers that run the store and do the store promotions.” Despite improvements, Marsh has goals for the store. “Eventually I would love to grow it to include the community. Potentially, opening the Closet one or two evenings a week to anyone to get clothing. This would mean opening our inventory up. Currently we only accept high school age donations.”

Marsh gave some more information on how you can sign up and donate to Dover’s Closet. “Clothing can be dropped off in the main office,” she said. The Closet is open before homeroom and during MMA three days a week. She then said that anyone can sign up and work in the closet. While you are working, you are also earning community service hours. 

Make sure to check out Dover’s Closet. If you have any other questions about how to sign up or how to get involved in helping our student community contact Marsh via email or in person.