FFA Creates Community Garden For Dover Residents

Kendall Swift and Savannah Williar

The Dover Chapter of the Future Farmers of America, or FFA, will be opening a community garden for the Dover community. It will be available to all members of the community as well as students. FFA will begin sales of garden boxes at the end of May. 

There will be three sizes available— large (7’x4’x2’), small (4’x4’x2’) and toddler (1’x1’x6”). Boxes will be priced between $10 and $35. Toddler boxes will be $10, small boxes will be $25, and large boxes will be $35. They will be located next to the greenhouse at the Dover Area High School. The purchase of a box will be valid for the entire summer. FFA will provide the boxes and watering cans; however, gardeners will be responsible for caring for their box/boxes and providing other necessary supplies.

The garden boxes are intended to extend community outreach. By including the Dover community in farming efforts, there is more involvement with the FFA and community members will feel more connected to the group. Junior Grace Benton, the lead member of this project, commented, “I hope this is something our chapter can continue to do and is handed down to new members every year.” Hopefully, this will evolve into a yearly tradition.

This is a great opportunity for expert and novice gardeners alike. Gardeners will be able to enjoy herbs, vegetables and flowers from the garden all summer long. For novice gardeners, FFA members will be able to provide guidance using the knowledge they gained from their experience with the organization.

For more information, please contact FFA Advisor Britney Marsh at [email protected] or Benton, project lead, at [email protected]