There are many reasons that motorcycles are better than cars. One is gas mileage. A car achieves 25 miles per gallon where motorcycles achieve about twice that amount at 50 miles per gallon.
Costs associated with ownership are also better for motorcycles. The cost of a motorcycle is around $5,000-$10,000 when cars tend to be around $35,000. It takes more horsepower to move heavy cars, so it costs more to drive cars. Because of cars weighing more, it takes a bigger engine to create more power. That costs more gas. That could be costly over time.
Repairs are better for motorcycles too. A motorcycle has less parts to replace. Cars have many parts with many changes needed throughout the year.
Maneuverability is also better with motorcycles. You can avoid crashes. You have a better view of what’s around you because of having a wider field of view due to the handle bars.
Motorcycles decrease traffic jams due to them being able to fit more bikes in a space that one car would be able to take up. Parking is also easier for motorcycles. Companies could cut costs on parking spaces if everyone rode a motorcycle.
Motorcycles are cool. They’re also just better than cars.