Students recognized for month of April

Miah Arevalo, Staff Writer

Dover Area High School honors a few students each month as “Students of the Month.” For the month of April:  freshmen John Bubb and Allison Albin, sophomores Race Nelson and Devin Warehime, juniors Omari Casiano and Sadie Roser and seniors Teziah Howard and Kacie Hoppel have been selected. 

Students are selected based on their demonstration of being Dover PROUD (perseverance, respect, ownership, unity and dedication.) Teachers nominate students who exemplify these expectations, and the staff then votes on the nominations. 

Nelson, said “I feel like to me it was a big accomplishment, especially with COVID, it shows I’m working hard and it’s paying off.” Different things motivate different people, Nelson said, “What’s motivating me is that summer is right around the corner so I just have to keep pushing through.”

English teacher Angela Krebs, who nominated both Bubb and Nelson, said, “I try to nominate students every month who stand out in class. Sometimes I select students who are model students in one area, but most of the times they represent all of what PROUD stands for.”