New Soccer Nets at Leib

Chloe Martin, Staff Writer

On Sept. 17, Leib Elementary School installed new soccer nets. 

Children had been previously using fences to play soccer. The fences made playing difficult because they were far apart, hard to tell if a goal was made, and the ball was frequently lost. The new goals allowed for games to run more smoothly. Third grader Luca Hetrick states, “I like that we can play a real game and that everybody agrees on what’s a real goal.” 

The addition of the nets have been a huge benefit for the students at Leib. Second grade teacher Amy Crouse says, “The children are more motivated to work as a cooperative group with the newly installed goals too.” The new goals have been able to reduce arguments at recess.

One of Crouse’s students states, “Now that we have soccer goals and nets, we do not have to worry about the fighting of pretend goals and nets like we did last year.”

The soccer nets have also been beneficial because it allows students to be more active during recess. “I like the new nets because I don’t have any at my house anymore so now I can play soccer on the playground when I come to school” states another one of Crouse’s students. ”Now we have a referee and goals and nets and there isn’t anymore pushing and it is way more fun!”

Students can also utilize the equipment during gym class.

Leib Elementary School is within walking distance for the community, so the playground is often visited during summer months by families and former students. Crouse says, “Since the new soccer goals have been installed on the field, many different groups of students have been utilizing the field after school to do drills, kick the soccer ball around and play together with friends.”

Students and parents have began to regularly gather after school to play soccer after school. As weeks progress, it is hoped that the soccer nets and playground equipment continue to be used more by the community.