Top Ten ways to de-stress
March 5, 2020
Many students are involved in so much at the same time. They play sports, go to work, participate in school clubs, and so on. With so little time to even be able to eat or sleep, it is reasonable that the workload piles up which likely means stress will build up as well. A question commonly asked is, “what are ways to de-stress?”
We’d like to share the top ten ways to de-stress that we found through some research.
1.Exercise. Many people de-stress by exercising, because when you exercise your brain releases endorphins that instantly lighten up your mood and your stress!
2. Do something for yourself. Another way to help yourself de-stress is to simply do something for yourself like buying new clothes or just taking time to relax.
3. Watch TV. Watching TV can help you de-stress; it’s a no-brainer stress reliever. However, there are downfalls. Don’t get sucked in if you have a lot to do, just about one or two episodes can help you get over the stress of the day. No need to binge.
4. Eat mood-boosting foods. Mood-boosting foods include salmon, chocolate, blueberries, oyster and green tea.
5. Simply Breathe. Sounds cliche, however, breathing helps to dramatically reduce tension built up in our bodies. Here is a simple breathing exercise:
- Take 10 breaths. Focus on your feelings of stress and anxiety while inhaling, and letting go of all those while exhaling for six seconds.
6. Unplug. Research shows that there are connections between rising stress levels and constantly checking your smartphone. When you are feeling too stressed out, simply turn off your phone and do that thing you really enjoy doing the most.
7. Practice gratitude. Research shows that those who practice gratitude experience greater emotional well-being and better physical health.
8. Hangout with friends. If all else fails, there will always be friends that will help you blow off some steam to get through whatever you are struggling with.
9. Do yoga. Yoga is an excellent way to let your body relax. In one of my classes each day, we start off with morning yoga, movement, and breathing. Each morning it allows me to blow off steam and let go of all the stress I carried into the building.
10. Get enough quality sleep. Sleep is an essential component when trying to stay healthy in life. When the body is lacking sleep, it’s a lot harder for the body to manage stress. Teenagers should get about 8-10 hours of sleep each night, and getting enough sleep is key to keeping your stress levels low.
If you practice these ten tips when your stress gets out of hand, you will see a dramatic decrease in your stress level. These are recommended to combat all the stress that students face in school and will help even after graduation.